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Client Based Services

Our programs service individuals with household incomes at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines.  Our goal is to help low-income individuals, families and communities move from a state of crisis to sustainability and self-sufficiency.


Food Pantry

Our Food Pantry provides a three day supply of food staples to those in need.  All are served on an as needed basis.

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Psychological help service. Depressed black male patient having psychotherapy session with

Comprehensive Case Management

Comprehensive Case Management utilizes a systematic approach to provide services to clients. A purposeful, goal-directed, holistic process allows our Family Resource Coordinators (FRC) the opportunity to assist clients with goal setting. After the client has outlined their goals the FRC and the client develop an action plan with measurable milestones and ways to cope with barriers.


Emergency Services

Our Emergency Services Program provides emergency assistance with rent, utilities, evictions, medical & prescription needs and also provides emergency shelter for victims of fire or domestic violence.  All services are based on funds availability and all applicants must meet current CSBG income guidelines.


Reviewing CV

Fatherhood Priority Program

The Delaware Fatherhood Program helps non-custodial parents, especially fathers, increase their ability to provide for their children and strengthen their relationships with their children.  The program provides parents access to job training and employment, adult education and financial literacy training.

State Rental Assistance Program*


The Delaware State Rental Assistance Program assist low-income individuals who require affordable housing and supportive service to live safely and independently in the community.  The program supports:

  • Clients exiting state-supported and privately run long-term care facilities

  • Clients exiting the Delaware Psychiatric Center

  • Youth aging out of foster care

  • Families for whom the lack of affordable housing is a barrier to reunification

  • Step-Up program participants least likely to transition to independent living without SRAP assistance

  • Individuals at-risk of requiring services from a state-supported institution (Diversion clients). 

  • *This program is by referral only.

Moving In

Second Chance Reentry

This program provides Case Management services to incarcerated individuals 6-12 months prior to their release in an effort to increase their ability to secure employment, housing, and transportation as well as advancement in education. This program is offered statewide.


Grant Diversion*


The Grant Diversion Program is designed to alleviate a crisis that will either prevent parents from accepting or retaining employment.  The intent is to provide one-time assistance up to $1500 annually, to divert a family from receiving TANF benefits.  Grant Diversion funds may be used for transportation - including vehicle repairs, tires, insurance, registration fees, etc.), uniforms, specialized clothing & footwear, tools & equipment, union dues, agency fees, licenses, certificates and background checks, and medical expenses not covered by Medicaid.

*This program is by referral only through the Delaware Division of State Service Centers.

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