Dear Friend,
Thank you! Through your’s and other Delawarean’s generosity First State Community Action Agency (FSCAA) has offered a helping hand to those in need for over 57 years. FSCAA is committed to addressing the root causes of poverty through our many programs and services throughout the state. Once again, we are asking for your help and support. Please make an end of the year donation to FSCAA so we may continue to serve the 12,000 vulnerable Delawareans who rely on us.
Your contribution will provide hope and opportunity to families struggling to keep a roof over their head, food on their table, and heat to stay warm. Join us in our goal to lift more Delawareans out of poverty. Your generous support provides children and adults with education, skills training, employment opportunities, crisis relief, secure housing, one-on-one counseling support and many other services. Your gift to First State is all it takes to keep hope blazing in their hearts.
$1,000 keeps a family struggling to live on limited resources secure in their home.
$500 provides after school homework tutorial assistance for half a school year.
$300 provides one-on-one counseling and financial education to help a person purchase their first home.
$250 provides job training and assistance to help an unemployed adult obtain a job.
$100 helps an elderly or disabled individual remain independent in their home.
$125 provides up to five days of food supply for a hungry household in crisis.
$65 provides a jumpstart to a successful transition for incarcerated individuals exiting prison.
No matter how large or small, your donation WILL make a difference!
Thank you for your generosity!

Bernice Edwards, Executive Director
Dr. Anne M. Farley, Board President
You can also MAIL your donation to:
FSCAA/Annual Appeal, PO Box 877, Georgetown, DE 19947.