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Tanisha Showell

Moms Get "Pampered in Pajamas"!

On May 26th The DFFC hosted the "Pampered in Pajamas" Paint Night. This initiative was held to encourage self-care and wellness through the Paint & Pajamas initiative.

Pajamas are not just for comfort and providing quality sleep, but they are also an act of self-care. Mayo Clinic Health Systems says that pajamas are an essential component of stress relief and wellness.

According to MDLIVE research, conducted in April 2022, nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of moms often put on a strong facade for their family’s sake to avoid being seen as stressed, and the reasons are concerning:

• More than half (57 percent) of moms feel like they are a failure as a mom when they ask for help, and

• Nearly as many (54 percent) saying they do not feel they will get the support they need to help relieve the stress and mental load they carry.

Participants at the event received information on:

-All available programs at First State community Action Agency,

-Co-Parenting Self-Care: "Taking Inventory of your Relations"

-The Seven Pillars of Self Care - 12 Self Care Tips

-Pocketbook for Moms (A pocketbook full of ways to be a great co-parent.

Participants all receive spa gift sets as a reminder to take time out to "unwind".

Thank you to the DFFC

male supporters for pampering the mothers through serving on their special night.



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