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Sussex County Poverty Simulation - Coming May 25th, 2023 - REGISTER NOW!

Poverty is a reality for nearly 12% of families in Delaware. Unless you’ve experienced poverty firsthand, it’s difficult to truly understand the challenges these families face.

The Poverty Simulation experience bridges the gap from misconception to understanding - it is an interactive immersion experience designed to sensitize participants to the realities of life in poverty.

First State Community Action Agency is partnering with United Way of Delaware and the Sussex Housing Group to host a Poverty Simulation on May 25, 2023 at Delaware Technical Community College in Georgetown.

The purpose of a Poverty Simulation is:

  1. To help participants understand what it is like to live in a low-income family, doing their best to survive month-to-month- and paycheck-to-paycheck;

  2. To discover opportunities for helping agencies to improve their services;

  3. to discover opportunities in our own communities where we can help; and

  4. To identify where there may be gaps in services offered.

What would you do if you had to choose paying rent or putting food on your table or covering childcare expenses? Unfortunately, thousands of people across our state are forced to make these hard decisions.

Our hope is that this simulation won't be the end of your experience. We hope to encourage dialogue about the causes and conditions of poverty and continued conversation about how we can all work together for change.

Space is limited and registration is required!



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